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Welcome to Gone 71° N, a travel and photography blog about selected aspects of the northern countries. 71 degrees North is the latitude where roads end in the Northern hemisphere.

The Northern countries of Europe are one of the best travell destinations in the world. Easy access, arctic flaire, charming cities – Europes last wilderness has us under its spell. We have over 20 years of travel and adventure experiences in roaming the far ends of the world but in the end we always return to the North of Europe.

With our website we want to encourage interested people to go and see for yourself. Our informative articles give you insights on adventures, travel tips, destinations, photography and other useful knowledge. We have placed a special focus on fishing, foraging and independent travels. Both things that are in abundance in Scandinavia.


Who are we?

We are Sebastian & Iva, living and travelling together for allmost 20 years. After roaming the far ends of this world we are now comming back where it all started – the norhtern wilds.

This travel site is the manifestation of our shared love for Scandinavia and Finland. It serves us not only as a platform for our stories but also to share our interests and insights with likeminded enthusiasts.


What to expect?

  • explore life and culture in the North
  • read profoundly researched articles
  • find your travel gear
  • travelling with child
  • fishing & foraging insights
  • plan your adventure
  • inspiring photography

Do it yourself

Scandinavia is a place for individualists and such who still want to become one. Regardless of whether you travel off the grid or enjoy the urban environment of Scandinavien cities or follow in the footsteps of Samí culture – there is something for everyone here. Carve your own wooden drinking cup, catch a fish, encounter whales on your own, find reindeer antlers or just stay at home and bake original Finnish korvapusti (cinnamon rolls).



Scandinavia is the dream for everyone who likes to get their food directly from nature. The northern countries are not only famous for their countless wild berries and large fish. A great variety of mushrooms and wild herbs can also be collected here from spring to winter.


Wilderness huts, Shelters & the Right to Roam

One of the best ways to get closer to the northern nature and wilderness is to use the countless offers of wilderness huts, fire pits and shelters. Up north the nature is not only wild, it is also free for everyone to enjoy and roam. Learn about the everyman’s right and public infrastructures throughout the North.


Destinations & Culture

In Scandinavia there are destinations for everyone and women. We are particularly dedicated to the far north, north of the Arctic Circle, and many of our stories come from these regions.
But even for those who cannot make it to Lofoten, Lapland or even the northernmost parts of the continent, there is breathtaking beauty and cultural diversity that you should definitely see. Have a coffee in Stockholm, catch the fish of your life along the Finnish lake district or let yourself be enchanted by the Norwegian mountains and coastline.


Get hooked!

Find detailed insights on how to catch your fish in Scandinavia. No matter if you want to start your fishing career or are already a seasoned pro, here you can find everything on techniques, gear, detinations and culture.


The edible wonderland!

Mushrooms have accompanied mankind for thousands of years. In Scandinavia they are ubiquitous and those who appreciate culinary delicacies such as porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, morels and many more will get their money’s worth in the far north.


Inspiring photography

Follow us on a visual journey through the culture of the northern countries and the Scandinavian wilderness.

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